International Cooperation


KNA successfully hosted Nuclear Pavilion and
Nuclear Energy Global Trend Seminar

Seoul International Electric Fair & Power Generation Korea (SIEF & PGK), an annual exhibition, was held at COEX from October 18 to 20 to witness the inaugural introduction of the “Nuclear Pavilion.” This annual exhibition, a collaborative effort by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) along with Korean electric, power, and utilities companies, traditionally showcases a wide array of equipment essential for electricity supply and renewable energy-related technologies.

Amongst all the exhibits, the Nuclear Pavilion stood out the most. Under the theme ‘Way to Zero,' it underscored the prospective role of the Korean nuclear industry in achieving carbon neutrality. The Pavilion was set up for the Korean nuclear industry to pioneer new markets by demonstrating the excellence of the Korean nuclear power plants, equipment as well as its service to the visitors. Specifically, it was a chance for the Korean nuclear industry to exhibit and display various nuclear equipment and technology including APR1400, SMR, fuel rods, SCAI, VR equipment, hologram equipment, surveillance system, control system, valves, heat exchangers. In addition, the Pavilion provided an opportunity to exchange the latest trend of carbon neutral technology and promote interaction within the nuclear industry. Featuring a total of 45 booths, the Nuclear Pavilion hosted approximately 280 B2B meetings over the three-day exhibition. Notably, participating SMEs achieved significant milestones during the event, establishing connections with potential buyers and partners, exploring bid opportunities, and engaging in discussions regarding supplier registration and the signing of MoUs.

Fig.1~2 Nuclear Pavillion

On October 18, alongside SIEF & PGK, KNA and KOTRA co-hosted “Nuclear Energy Global Trend Seminar.” Experts from France, India, the U.S., Spain, and Romania participated in the seminar to share their insights. These experts highlighted abundant collaboration prospects for Korean nuclear companies, emphasizing their global competitiveness.

During the seminar, Dr. Pascal Claude Leverd, International Technical Expert at the Institute for Korea Spent Nuclear Fuel, presented an overview of France's nuclear industry and energy policy. According to Dr. Leverd, Agnes Pannier-Runacher, the French Minister of Energy highlighted that France shall attract global companies that are leaders in decarbonization in order to meet its energy transition and climate objectives. Explaining France's energy strategy, Dr. Leverd outlined four key areas: lowcarbon electricity generation, sustainable spent fuel reprocessing, waste management, and the development of new reactor series. He emphasized the collaborative opportunities within these areas, presenting mutual benefits for both Korea and France. Dr. Suneet Singh from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay emphasized the necessit y to shif t from heavy reliance on coal to nuclear energy in India. “The industrialization is happening so fast in the country. Naturally, India is planning to expand its nuclear capacity by three times” he added. He also mentioned that “since South Korea has successfully exported its nuclear technology to UAE, many countries are interested in the Korean nuclear technology. There should be plenty of opportunities for Korean companies to work with the Indian nuclear industry.” Nagaraj Pathak, a senior manager at Fluor Corporation, an American engineering and construction firm, expressed Flour's interest in South Korea. Pathak emphasized the anticipated synergies between Flour and the Korean suppliers, emphasizing the favorable trade and economic conditions in Korea along with a strong supply chain base. He also underscored the global recognition of Korean products.

Juan Antonio Muñoz, an operational manager at Nucleonova, a nuclear O&M company in Spain, gave a presentation on supplying safety-related equipment for nuclear power plants. “Although the Korean nuclear suppliers are highly competitive, European players lack sufficient information due to limited past interactions. He expressed his satisfaction at the chance provided by the exhibit and the seminar to understand and collaborate with Korean suppliers.

Participating in the seminar, the Romanian nuclear utility SNN (Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica) presented insights into Romania's current nuclear energy status and information about SNN. Stella Ciulcov, Head of the Purchasing Department at SNN, emphasized the company's procurement policy, ensuring equal access for all suppliers while maintaining consistent standards and processes. Ciulcov also highlighted SNN's commitment to fostering enduring, close relationships with its suppliers.

Fig.1~5 Experts presenting at the seminar

International Cooperation


KNA Building Bridges Through
International Cooperation

KEPCO, KEPCO E&C, and KNA Visited Wylfa Nuclear Site

UK MPs from Anglesey invited KEPCO, KEPCO E&C, and KNA to discuss about new reactor construction at Wylfa and to conduct site investigation. KEPCO assessed that the overall condition of Wylfa makes it a favorable nuclear site. According to John Cornelius, an employee at Horizon, the water is deep, the sea water temperature is low, and the ground is firm at Wylfa. He believes the site is adequate enough to construct four nuclear reactors. It is expected that the construction process would create jobs in the area, so the level of public acceptance is high. During this visit, an MoU between KNA and NIA (Nuclear Industry Association) was discussed and finally in November, Executive Vice President of KNA Mincheol Lee and Chief Executive of NIA Tom Greatrex signed an MoU. The two associations have agreed to cooperate on information exchanges, support for developing partnerships amongst companies from both countries, co-training the workforce in both countries.

KNA and HIMNI Signed an MoU

In September 2023, KNA and HIMNI (Himpunan Masyarakat Nuklir Indonesia) signed an MoU to exchange information regarding the Indonesia nuclear industry and to collaborate on training projects. The two parties will continue to discuss about exchanging information on policy, technology and industry with regards to large nuclear power plants and SMR. HIMNI expressed concerns about the low public acceptance of nuclear energy but emphasized its necessity in Indonesia's energy landscape, especially considering the rising energy demand and the fight against climate change. Consequently, Indonesia wishes to cooperate with Korea.

Fig 1. KNA-HIMNI MoU Singing Ceremony Executive Vice President of KNA Mincheol Lee and Prof. Dr. Susilo Widodo of HIMNI signed an MoU
Striving to Build Partnership with India

In October 2023, KNA attended India Nuclear Business Platform 2023 (INBP 2023) in order to pioneer a new market for small and medium-sized businesses and discover export outlets. It was a chance to build networks with local companies and to provide counselling on export. KNA ran a booth to promote Korean nuclear SMEs and conducted B2B held with various companies. During the visit in October, KNA also held meetings with INS (Indian Nuclear Society) and NPCIL (Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited) and was invited to speak at Indian Nuclear Society's International Conference. As a result, two months later, Yoshik Nam, Vice President of KNA, visited India to give a presentation on the current status of nuclear power plants and SMRs in Korea. During the presentation, when slides comparing Seoul from the 1950s to the present, illustrating the country's remarkable economic growth within a short period were shown, the audience gave a big round of applause. The audience from the academics and industry also showed great interests in the i-SMR project. After the presentation, INS interviewed Nam for their newsletter.

KNA attended the Annual Donors' meeting for INT 2021

In Vienna, Austria, KNA held meetings with the Division of Nuclear Power and Technology Cooperation (TC) from IAEA to co-develop new projects and enhance cooperative relationship. During the meetings, KNA and IAEA discussed about plans for next year's projects and searched for solutions to expand cooperation. The two parties agreed to organize a workshop on Safety Infrastructure Self-assessment for the first quarter of 2024. Also, during the visit, KNA participated in the Annual Donors' meeting for INT 2021 Project. A total of 42 participants from nine countries attended the meeting. The INT 2021, which lasts from 2020 to 2023, is a project to develop nuclear infrastructure. The objective of the project is to help foster an environment that promotes nuclear expansion in a safe and sustainable manner. The total amount of the project budget was 8.2 million euros and the major donor countries are the U.S., Russia, Japan, China, Korea, and France. INT 2021 mainly focused on holding workshops, training manpower, and providing scholarships for graduate students. During the meeting this time, major project results and plans for new projects as well as the experiences of the recipient countries, Ghana and India, were shared.

Fig.2 Vice President Yoshik Nam gave a presentation on the current status of nuclear power plants and SMRs in Korea
Fig.3 KNA attending Indian Nuclear Society's International Conference
Fig.4 Vice President Yoshik Nam being interviewed for INS's newsletter

International Cooperation


South Korea and Indonesia Pledge to Strengthen Cooperation
in Key Industries Including Nuclear Power

Fig 1. President Yoon Suk Yeol Attended the Business Roundtable with South Korean and Indonesian Business Leaders

South Korea and Indonesia solidified their commitment to strengthen collaboration in future industries, including nuclear power. On September 7, the two countries held the Korea-Indonesia Business Roundtable in Jakarta, during President Yoon Seok-yeol's visit to the country for the ASEAN summit. The meeting led to the signing of numerous agreements, encompassing 16 business deals and economic cooperation memorandums of understanding (MOUs) between companies from both nations. These agreements span seven major industries, with a focus on energy and mobility.

The roundtable saw the participation of around 40 prominent figures from the economic sectors of both countries, including Ahn Deuk-geun, Korea's Chief Trade Negotiator, and Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Indonesia's Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Investment Affairs. The discussion reflected on the past 50 years of economic cooperation between the two countries and laid out plans for continued joint growth over the next 50 years. In the nuclear sector, the two countries pledged active collaboration to establish a foundation for a stronger nuclear industry. Korea Nuclear Association (KNA) and the Indonesian Nuclear Association signed an MOU committing to cooperate in building the nuclear industry infrastructure. This includes exchanging information and developing human resources in nuclear power areas, including Small Modular Reactors (SMR). Indonesia has set a goal to introduce new SMRs with a capacity of 1 GW by 2039.

The South Korean government plans to work closely with Indonesia to ensure the successful implementation of the cooperation outlined in the MOU, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy stated. This includes introducing tailored incentives and enhancing support for cooperative projects through Official Development Assistance (ODA), it added.

Nuclear Power Plant


KEPCO Going All-out on Getting That Second NPP Export
During the State Visit

Toured the candidate site to explore site conditions and public support

Hosted UK-Korea Nuclear Industry Partnership Meetings with Key figures

Signed MOUs for more in-depth collaboration with the local community and maximum use of local supply chain

Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) president & CEO Dong Cheol Kim visited the U.K. from the 18 to 24 of November to tour the candidate site for a nuclear new build and as part of the Korean economic mission during the state visit of the President of Korea to explore models for nuclear power plant projects with key governmental, parliamentarian and industrial figures.
On the 20th, Kim visited the site at Wylfa Newydd in Anglesey, Wales through an invitation of Virginia Crosbie, a conservative Welsh MP to check the site conditions and the public support for a nuclear power project in the region. Wylfa Newydd is assessed to be an optimal site for a large commercial nuclear power plant project with the necessary infrastructure already in place from a previous nuclear power plant, and has wide ranging support from the residents.

Owned by : Horizon(Hitachi 100%)

Location : Wylfa Newydd, Wales

Fig 1. KEPCO signed MoUs with the Wales Nuclear Forum and the Macbeth Energy Group

The following day, on the 21st, Kim hosted the UK-Korea Nuclear Industrial Partnership at the National Liberal Club in which he promoted the KEPCO's project leading capabilities and the strengths of the Korean nuclear reactor technology. More than 100 people, including leaders from the UK such as lawmakers, Minister of Nuclear and Networks of the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero, Chair of the Great British Nuclear, and the nuclear industry, and the heads of KEPCO E&C, KEPCO KPS, KEPCO Nuclear Fuel from Korea took part in the event. KEPCO presented its successful performance of its APR1400 projects at home and abroad, and highlighted the on-time on-budget progress of its Barakah project in the UAE. The guests expressed hopes for accelerated collaboration of Team Korea and the UK nuclear sector fostering mutual growth.

At the Business Forum at the Mansion House on the 22 that Kim attended as a member of Korea's economic mission, KEPCO signed MOUs with the Wales Nuclear Forum and the Mactech Energy Group, committing to exploring ways to strengthen cooperation. KEPCO plans to build on this MOU to further its engagement for a possible project in Wylfa while promoting mutual growth with the local community in Wales and seeking ways to maximize the use of local supply chain.
Kim also met with each the Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary Claire Coutinho, and Business and Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch immediately after the Business Forum.
Kim expressed KEPCO's strong interest in the new build project in the UK, and requested active support and cooperation from the UK government. Energy Secretary mentioned that she is well aware of the excellent capabilities of KEPCO, and is looking forward to KEPCO's engagement in the UK nuclear sector. Business Secretary welcomed KEPCO's interest in the UK nuclear new build projects and said that she will fully support KEPCO's endeavors.
Kim stated that this year marks 140 years of diplomatic relationship between the UK and Korea, and this state visit has strengthened the basis for bilateral collaboration in the energy sector including nuclear. He also highlighted how meaningful it would be for KEPCO to export a reactor to the UK, a strong advocate of the deployment of nuclear, because the UK was the first country to operate a commercial nuclear power plant in the 1950s.

Nuclear Power Plant


KEPCO Participates in the Nuclear Power Plant Material Procurement
Workshop Hosted by IAEA in Uzbekistan

Kyeong-Min Kim, Vice President of Nuclear Export Strategy Team, of Korea Electric Power Corporation(“KEPCO”) visited Tashkent from September 4 to 9 to participate in the material procurement workshop for the new nuclear power plant in Uzbekistan hosted by the IAEA. He also met the First Deputy Director of UzAtom to exchange ideas related to the development of nuclear power plant in Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan has a history of co-working with KEPCO in the KEDO nuclear power plant project in 2000. Uzbekistan is considering introducing two new large nuclear reactors.

IAEA invited KEPCO to the workshop in Tashkent, and KEPCO sent its two nuclear power plant experts, including Mr. Kim. At the workshop, KEPCO's experts trained the staffs of UzAtom on the important issues related to procurement of materials and equipment for new nuclear power plant. KEPCO made 8 presentations on major issues, including procurement process, supplier qualification, financing, cost management and risk management, to share its knowledge and know-how with UzAtom.

Fig 1. Kyeong-Min Kim, Vice President of Nuclear Export Strategy Team at KEPCO Participated in IAEA the Nuclear Power Plant Material Procurement in Uzbekistan

At a separately held meeting with the First Deputy Director of UzAtom, Mr. Kim emphasized that the performance of Korean nuclear reactor had already been proven in Korea and the UAE and explained in particular that KEPCO will fully cooperate with UzAtom in the efforts to prepare the technological solution to the issue of insufficient cooling water in Uzbekistan. Remembering the cooperative experiences KEPCO had with Uzbekistan at the KEDO nuclear power plant project, KEPCO will continue to exchange ideas with Uzbekistan to presenting the nuclear power plant package tailored to the needs of Uzbekistan and help Korea achieve its goal of exporting 10 more nuclear reactors.

Nuclear Power Plant


KEPCO Recieved IJGlobal 2023 ESG Awards for
Its Subsea HVDC Project in the UAE

ESG award following the Deal of the Year by two leading financial journals

Promoting carbon neutrality by transmitting clean electricity produced from Barakah Nuclear Power Plant and other green sources through a subsea transmission line

Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) received the IJGlobal ESG Award at the IJGlobal ESG AWARDS 2023 held in London on October 19 for its sub-sea high voltage direct current (HVDC) project in the UAE.

Infrastructure Journal (IJ) Global is a financial journal published by Euromoney, and is one of the top-tier global financial journals along with PFI.

IJ Global assesses excellent PF cases per project category and per region every year and awards the project owner, consultant, and lenders and Deal of the Year.

A different award is also given to model ESG cases

The UAE subsea HVDC project received the IJGlobal ESG Award for the Energy transition category of Middle East and Northern Africa region. The project delivers electricity generated from the clean energy sources including those generated from the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant that KEPCO is currently constructing to the offshore industrial complex. The line replaces the aged offshore thermal generation that the complex has been dependent on, and thus contributes to the reduction of carbon emissions in the UAE. This award is not the first for KEPCO this year, as it received earlier the Deal of the Year from both PFI and IJGlobal for successful project financing in September 2022 despite the challenging conditions brought on by unstable international politics and financial market constraints.

The IJGlobal ESG Award this year internationally recognized KEPCO's project as a model low carbon, eco-friendly ESG governance that is in line with the energy paradigm shift and the carbon neutral goals by 2050.

UAE subsea HVDC project

KEPCO consortium comprised of KEPCO, Kyushu Electric Power and EDF won the project on December 2021 on the experience and the trust accumulated from the Barakah Project.

Financing for the project was closed in September 2022 with groundbreaking on the same month. The construction will be complete by 2025, and the line will operate for 35 years.

The project includes construction and operation of 3.2 GW subsea cable, the first HVDC adopted in the middle east, along with its substation.

Out of the total project cost USD 3.84 billion, 3.1 billion was project financed based the projections of the success of the project without mother company's guarantee.

Fig 1. KEPCO Recieving IJGlobal 2023 ESG Awards

Nuclear Power Plant


Candu, Ansaldo, KHNP Sign Tripartite Consortium Agreement
on Retubing and Refurbishment Project for Cernavoda Unit 1

In a significant move towards collaborative pursuit of the retubing and refurbishment project of the Cernavoda Unit 1 nuclear power plant in Romania, a tripartite consortium comprising Candu Energy Inc. (Candu) as a member of AtkinsRéalis, Ansaldo Nucleare S.p.A. (Anslado) and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. (KHNP) has solidified a partnership through the signing of a consortium agreement. The agreement was inked in an official ceremony on October 12, at the headquarters of Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica S.A. (SNN), the stateowned Romanian nuclear energy company. The project will be undertaken in anticipation of the license renewal of Cernavoda Unit 1. The total project cost is estimated to reach EUR 1.85 billion. The plant is a CANDU-6 (700MW) unit with a design lifetime of 30 years. The Cernavoda Unit 1 has been in operation since 1996 and its original operating license expires by the end of 2026. In pursuit of the license renewal for an additional 30 years, SNN plans to upgrade and replace the key components such as pressure tubes, turbines and generator internals from 2027 until 2029.

Candu is the original equipment designer, manufacturer and steward of CANDU technology worldwide while Ansaldo is the original designer of the Balance of Plant of Cernavoda Units 1 and 2. In the forthcoming project, Candu and Ansaldo will lead the engineering and procurement aspects of the Nuclear Steam Plant and Balance of Plant work respectively. KHNP, a major nuclear power plant operator, successfully completed a retubing project for one of its own reactors. Employing its capabilities, the company will spearhead the construction phase including infrastructures such as the radioactive waste storage facility. With the unique strengths harnessed, the synergistic partnership will cultivate an environment for a seamless and satisfactory delivery of the project to the client's satisfaction.

The three parties will commence vigorous preparation for the proposal before the contract negotiation begins with SNN. The main contract with SNN is expected to be awarded within the first half of 2024.

Fig 1. Candu, Ansaldo, KHNP Signed Consotrium Agreements
Fig 2. Candu, Ansaldo, KHNP Signed Consotrium Agreements

Nuclear Power Plant


KHNP Submits Final Bid for Czech New Nuclear Construction

- Continuous efforts will be made to be selected as the final bidder -

Gyeongju, 1st of November 2023 - Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. (KHNP) submitted its final bid for the Czech New Nuclear Construction Project to the Owner, Elektrárna Dukovany II (EDU II), on October 31.
The Czech project consists of the construction of a single unit of a 1,200 MW-class reactor, with plans to launch construction in 2029 and begin commercial operation by 2036. In March 2022, the Owner sent the invitation to submit bids to suppliers in Korea, the US and France, who submitted their initial bids in November of the same year.
After the initial bid submission, KHNP participated in clarification meetings with EDU II to respond to the Owner's questions and clarify the contents of its bid. Based on the results of the meetings, KHNP diligently reflected the Owner's additional requests and submitted its updated initial bid.
According to KHNP's President & CEO, Dr. Jooho Whang, “the Owner plans to select the preferred bidder by early next year and sign the final contract after undergoing the negotiation phase.” He also asserted that “KHNP will continue to make its best efforts to be selected as the technology supplier.”

Fig 1. KHNP Submitting Final Bid for Czech project

Nuclear Power Plant


KHNP Improves Expertise in Decommissioning Heavy Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) promised cooperation with Canadian companies specializing in heavy water reactor decommissioning.

Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) is collaborating with global companies to prepare for the decommissioning of Wolseong Unit 1, a heavy water reactor.
On October 31 (local time), KHNP signed a nuclear power plant decommissioning cooperation agreement with Kinectrics, a Canadian nuclear power engineering company, at Kinectrics' headquarters in Toronto.
Following the agreement, KHNP technical personnel will be dispatched to overseas nuclear power plant decommissioning sites, where they will receive technical advice and invitation training from overseas experts. KHNP has signed an MOU with Kinectrics in 2019 to secure experience in decommissioning heavy water reactor nuclear power plants and train professional manpower. The Korean company dispatched in 2021 its personnel to the Canadian nuclear power plant decommissioning site.
Also on the same day, KHNP signed a letter of intent on heavy water reactor fuel management technology with Canada's NWMO (Nuclear Waste Management Organization) at the NWMO headquarters in Toronto, promising to strengthen technical cooperation in the heavy water reactor field. NWMO is an organization established through joint investment by Canadian power generation companies to manage and conduct research and development on spent nuclear fuel.
KHNP is preparing a final decommissioning plan with the aim to apply for a decommissioning permit for Wolseong Unit 1 by June of next year, and plans to begin full-scale decommissioning as soon as the approval is given. Chang Hee-seung, Executive Vice President of KHNP's power generation business division, said, “KHNP is continuously expanding cooperation with leading global companies in the field of nuclear power plant decommissioning,” and added, “With this agreement, KHNP's expertise in heavy water reactor decommissioning is expected to further increase.”

Fig 1. LoI Signing Ceremony Between KHNP and NWMO
Fig 2. KHNP and Kinectrics Signed a Nuclear Decommissioning Cooperation Agreement

Nuclear Power Plant


KEPCO E&C signed MOU with ARC Clean Technology to pursue commercialization of ARC-100

KEPCO Engineering & Construction Company Inc.(KEPCO E&C), an engineering company having both architect engineering and Nuclear Steam Supply System(NSSS) design technology of nuclear power plants, is bolstering its entry into the global Small Modular Reactor(SMR) Market.
On October 20, KEPCO E&C and ARC Clean Technology (ARC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding for pursuing commercialization of ARC-100, KEPCO E&C will collaborate with ARC, including support in standard design and licensing of ARC-100.
ARC-100 is a type of sodium-cooled fast reactor(SFR) being developed by ARC, and classified as Gen 4 SMR. ARC had completed Phase 1 of Pre-Licensing Vendor Design Review(VDR) provided by Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission(CNSC). Continuing that, ARC submitted an application for a license to prepare Point Lepreau site for ARC-100 project on June 2023. The target to submit application for operating license is 2027.
William Labbe, CEO of ARC, stated, “We are developing SMR technology to achieve carbon neutrality and ensure a stable supply of clean energy. We look forward to collaborating with KEPCO E&C to enter the global SMR market.”
In addition, KEPCO E&C is playing a pivotal role in the Korean government's ongoing innovative-SMR(i-SMR) design development.
Also, KEPCO E&C has focused on the market opportunities of the offshore floating nuclear power plants using SMR. The floating nuclear power plant can be installed on the sea or seashore, allowing to reduce effort of site selection and supply energy to islands or remote areas. Therefore, KEPCO E&C has developed its own floating SMR, BANDI. And the company signed a technical cooperation agreement with HD KSOE (Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering) to pursue the application of SMR to ships. On October 5, the jointly developed design of a floating SMR barge received AIP(Approval In Principle) from ABS(American Bureau of Shipping).
KEPCO E&C will pursue to enter into the SMR market, which has come to the limelight as one of the next energy sources, by developing its own floating SMR BANDI, and participating in i-SMR project and the Generation 4 SMR project.

Fig 1. MOU signing ceremony between KEPCO E&C and ARC, attended by William Labbe, CEO of ARC(left), and Sung-Arm Kim, president and CEO of KEPCO E&C(right)

Nuclear Power Plant


KNF Exports Key Nuclear Fuel Components To Brazil INB

KEPCO Nuclear Fuel is the nuclear fuel design, manufacturing and service company in South Korea, who supplies high-quality fuel to all 26 Korean nuclear power plants, and 4 UAE Barakah nuclear power plants. In addition to its fuel business, KEPCO NF is also actively engaged in key nuclear fuel components export businesses, such as fuel rod tubes and spacer grids.
KEPCO NF exports spacer grids and small machined parts of nuclear fuel assembly to INB, a Brazilian national nuclear fuel company. Spacer grid is a key component of nuclear fuel assembly which provides support for the fuel rods as well as enhancing coolant mixing in the reactor core during operation. KEPCO NF supplies sets of top, mid, IFM, and bottom spacer grids, and small machined parts to INB. KEPCO NF has been successfully fulfilling its commitment to supply these key fuel components to INB since 2006. Under the current 4th contract entered in 2020, KEPCO NF supplies 40~50 sets of spacer grids annually for INB's nuclear fuel assembly until 2025. By the end of 2025, total spacer girds supplied by KEPCO NF to INB is expected to reach over 600 sets.
Brazil has 2 nuclear power plants in operation, and Angra 1 operates Westinghouse 16x16 type fuel, which is the same type of nuclear fuel assembly as Korea's Kori 2 nuclear power plant. In the early 2000s, INB and KEPCO NF have jointly developed nuclear fuel assembly for the Westinghouse 16x16 type plants. KEPCO NF named this fuel as 16ACE7, and has been commercially supplying 16ACE7 to Kori 2 for almost 20 years. KEPCO NF is using its stable component supply chain of 16ACE7 to export spacer grids for INB's nuclear fuel assembly used in Angra 1.
The 16ACE7 fuel assembly is composed of a top nozzle, a debris filtering bottom nozzle with small holes, a debris filtering protective grid, 6 mid grids, 3 IFM grids, a vaneless top grid, a vaneless bottom grid, 20 guide thimbles, an instrument tube, and 235 fuel rods inserted into the cells of each grid. The mid grids, top grid, bottom grid, and protective grid maintain an array of fuel rods by providing positive lateral restraint to the fuel rods. The mid grids have mixing vanes to improve thermal performance by enhancing the coolant-mixing ability. The top grid is designed to have reduced spring force to minimize the potential for fuel rod bow, whereas the bottom grid has a high spring force that is capable of providing fuel rod support until design burnup.

In addition to the current components supply, KEPCO NF and INB have been in discussion to strengthen the long-term partnership in the nuclear fuel supply chain, as Kori 2 nuclear power plant in Korea and Angra 1 nuclear power plant in Brazil have announced to extend operating life beyond the expiration of the design life. Securing reliable nuclear fuel supply chain is very crucial for stable operation of nuclear power plants, so two companies will seek more opportunities to expand their cooperation for strengthening their nuclear fuel supply chain.
Since its establishment in 1982, KEPCO NF has successfully localized all fuel component manufacturing process in Korea. Through cooperation with domestic small and medium-sized enterprises of Korea, KEPCO NF has led joint growth with local companies by promoting stable supply chain and strengthening domestic technology. In addition to the localization of manufacturing process, KEPCO NF successfully developed independent fuel assembly designs and technology. Main types of fuel and its components that KEPCO NF is capable to supply are PWR Korean Standard type 16x16 fuel, Westinghouse type 16x16 fuel, and Westinghouse type 17x17 fuel.
Speaking of fuel line-up supplied by KEPCO NF, it presently supplies PLUS7 fuel for OPR/APR type reactors and 16ACE7/17ACE7 fuel for WEC type reactors. Besides, it supplies 37M fuel for PHWR type reactors. Furthermore, as achievements of R&D, it will supply advanced fuels such as HIPER16, HIPER17 and SMR fuels. Especially HIPER16 fuel is scheduled to be supplied for commercial reactors next year. Subsequently, the supply of other fuels developed by KEPCO NF will be implemented in consecutive order according to the middle and long term plan in Korea.
KEPCO NF will supply fuel to 4 new nuclear power plants planned in Korea in the near future, and additional fuel supply opportunities may exist to new nuclear power plants planned in countries such as Poland, Czech Republic, and Saudi Arabia. KEPCO NF is committed to securing a stable export market and becoming a major supplier in global fuel and components supply chain. KEPCO NF will continue to strengthen its global competitiveness under the leadership and support of Korean government's nuclear export policy.

Fig 1. KNF ACE7 Fuel Assembly

Nuclear Power Plant


Achievements of KEPCO KPS' export of operational nuclear power plant maintenance technology

KEPCO KPS has been exporting nuclear power plant maintenance technology to overseas operating nuclear power plants for more than 30 years. In 2023, such maintenance services were exported to Brazil's Angra Nuclear Power Plant and Sweden's Ringhals Nuclear Power Plant. First, we received an order for planned outage in the RCP(Reactor Coolant Pump) field of Angra Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 from ETN(Eletronuclear), a Brazilian nuclear power plant operator.

After winning the order for planned outage in the fuel loading field for Angra Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 in 2014, the company achieved the feat of winning an exclusive order for the same nuclear power plant in 9 years, again.

Fig 1. Ringhals NPP Unit 4 in Sweden

In June 2023, KEPCO KPS participated in the bidding for Angra Nuclear Power Plant valve and RCP maintenance service, and in November 2023, ETN announced that KEPCO KPS was selected as the final contractor for Angra Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 RCP outage service.
Especially, the project will be carried out in a consortium with IC Supply, a local maintenance company in Brazil, and will inspect the integrity of the RCP of Angra Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 a total of four times, from the 20th planned outage in November 2024 to the 23rd in May 2028.
In fact, the planned outage was performed for Brazil's Angra nuclear power plant in April 1993. This was the first international maintenance services for nuclear power plant led by KEPCO KPS, but it was in the form of dispatching workers rather than an exclusive contract. However, this contract including 2014 contract, is exclusively led by KEPCO KPS, which is catching attention as a representative example that shows the world the capabilities of KEPCO KPS' nuclear power plant maintenance services.
Next, KEPCO KPS successfully completed performing ECT(Eddy Current Testing) of the steam generator in Unit 4 of the Ringhals Nuclear Power Plant in Sweden in August 2023. This is a contract in the form of dispatching workers with WEG(Westinghouse Electric Germany GmbH) with which KEPCO KPS signed an agreement for non-destructive testing of steam generators in Europe, in July 2021.
ECT is a process that maintains the integrity of the equipment by performing non-destructive testing on the reactor in-core thimble tube, reactor head penetration tube, etc. to detect and take action on defects at an early stage. In order to perform ECT on steam generators at the Ringhals Nuclear Power Plant in Sweden, KEPCO KPS conducted 3 weeks of overseas consignment training in Germany in June 2021 for domestic technology specialists and acquired Steam Generator ECT qualifications certified by the Swedish Qualification Center.
After obtaining qualifications, the project has been carried out for 3 years, starting from the perfect ECT of the steam generator in Unit 3 of Ringhals Nuclear Power Plant in Sweden in August 2021, to successful inspection of Ringhals Unit 4.
In this way, KEPCO KPS, which provides high-quality nuclear power plant maintenance services, is promoting the excellence of Korea's nuclear power plant maintenance technology in the global market by not only winning exclusive maintenance orders but also continuously providing competent worker upon the request of customers.

Fig 2. Angra NPP Unit 2 in Brazil

Nuclear Power Plant


Doosan Enerbility Wins Spent Nuclear Fuel Cask Project
With its Homegrown Technology

Contract signed to perform overall design of spent nuclear fuel dry storage system

Korean market for spent nuclear fuel cask forecast to grow to KRW 8 trillion+ and collaboration to be pursued with 140 small-to-medium sized partners in nuclear sector

Doosan Enerbility recently won a project for the storage and transportation cask of spent nuclear fuel using its homegrown technology.
On November 2, Doosan Enerbility announced that it had signed a contract with Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) to carry out the overall design of a spent nuclear fuel dry storage system. By winning this contract for which the winner was determined via international competitive bidding, Doosan Enerbility will be completing the design work and obtaining certification by 2027 for the dry storage system, which includes the cask for storing and transporting spent nuclear fuel.
The spent nuclear fuel generated from nuclear power plants will be cooled down by having it stored in a water-filled pool for the first five years, after which it will be removed from the pool and moved outside for dry storage. As the casks used in this process need to be designed to ensure safety and protection from radiation and heat, the highest level of design and manufacturing expertise is required.

The nuclear industry estimates that approximately 2,800 casks will be needed for the dry storage and interim storage facilities in the Korean market, leading to the forecast that the market will grow to the size of approximately KRW 8.4 trillion by 2060. Upon winning the manufacturing contract, Doosan Enerbility plans to work in collaboration on the related processes with its 140 small-to-medium sized partner companies spread across the various regions in an effort to promote the Korean domestic nuclear power industry.
“This contract holds huge significance as it was won with our locally-developed cask and this essentially laid the foundation for our Korean-standard spent nuclear fuel storage & transportation cask business, for which we forecast there will be new orders amounting to trillions of Korean won in the future,” said Jongdoo Kim, CEO of Doosan Enerbility's Nuclear Business Group. “By working together with our smallto- medium sized local partners in Korea, we aim to do our utmost to enhance our manufacturing competitiveness, as we seek to also venture into the areas of interim storage and permanent disposal of spent nuclear fuel.”

Fig 1. Manufacturing Process of the Cask for TMI Nuclear Power Plant in the U.S.

Doosan Enerbility signed a technology cooperation agreement with the U.S. NAC(Nuclear Assurance Corporation) in 2015, after which a wide-ranging cask line-up applicable to various environments in the Korean and global market was developed. Doosan and NAC jointly developed a Koreantype metal storage overpack(MSO) to be applied to a Korean project and for which design certification was obtained from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
In 2019, Doosan accomplished the feat of becoming the first Korean company to win a spent nuclear fuel cask supplier contract for the Three Mile Island(TMI) Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1. This was followed by another subsequent win in 2021 of the cask contract for Unit 2 of the TMI Nuclear Power Plant and for which development is currently underway.

Nuclear Power Plant


Localized Development of Core Materials for Spent Fuel Storage Containers, a Way to Expand Overseas with Guaranteed High Performance

KAERI applies for a patent to five countries through the development of neutron absorbing structural material with its entire dependence on overseas imports

The technology is several times higher-performing than that of foreign materials and is expected to be a game changer in the global markets with a worth of about 4 billion USD.

A domestic research team, led by Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), has successfully developed neutron-absorbing structural material, a core material for spent fuel storage containers. This outstanding achievement is expected to be a game changer in the global neutron-absorbing structural material market, with a worth of about 4 billion USD with several times higher performance than that of foreign material. On October 16, 2023, KAERI announced that its Materials Safety Technology Research Division led by Dr. Young-Bum Chun has developed KONAS (KOrea Neutron absorbing structural materials). The material boasts higher performance in every aspect, including reactivity control and structural support, compared with the commercial materials developed in foreign countries. A neutron-absorbing structural material controls nuclear fission by absorbing thermal neutrons from the fuel assembly. Korea has been using high-priced neutron absorbing structural materials, entirely imported from the US and Japan. Though a neutron absorbing structural material based on aluminum boron, is known for its excellent performance in reactivity control with a large neutron absorption cross-section, its physical fragility undermines its competitiveness in structural support. To remedy the problem, the material has been inserted in the triple-walled basket made of structural materials, but the efficiency of triple-walled structural support has problems of decreasing the decaying heat emission efficiency and also increasing manufacturing costs with its complicated design. The KAERI research team has focused on its efforts to develop a new material to enhance both reactivity control and structural support performance, which enables the design of a simpler basket structure without separate structural support. The research team started with basic research on thermodynamic calculations and simulations. The team combined optimum neutron absorbing structural materials based on titanium metal. The team also successfully obtained technologies for optimum alloy composition. The feat was possible thanks to the discovery of an optimum chemical composition and heat treatment, after manufacturing and evaluation of about 400 model alloys. The evaluation at HANARO, the nation's first multi-purpose research reactor, proved its experimental verification performance to be 1.6 times higher than foreign commercial material in terms of neutron absorption performance. The test also verified that the material's yield strength while resisting deformation is double that of foreign commercial material; its elongation is 20 times higher than that of foreign commercial material. It demonstrated that KONAS can realize single-wall baskets with excellent reactivity control and structural support as basket material. This in turn improves the safety and manufacturing economics. The market size for neutron absorbers reaches about 4 billion USD. Considering that advanced countries such as the US and Japan are yet to achieve success in developing neutron absorbing structural materials, KONAS is expected to be a game changer in the global neutron absorber market. The KAERI research team has completed applying for domestic and international patents on the composition and the manufacturing method of neutron absorbing structural materials. The team plans to optimize the manufacturing process until the end of next year, before promoting the material's commercialization in cooperation with domestic industries. A KAERI representative stated, “KAERI will actively support KONAS so it can lead the global neutron absorber market through its efforts to promote the transfer of its developed technology to domestic industries in the future.”

Fig 1. KAERI Research Team
Fig 2. Dr.Young-Bum Chun Explaining About KONAS
Fig 3~4. KONAS Neutron-absorbing Structural Material Ingot

Small Modular Reactor


YPP to Supply Turbine System Measurement Equipment to
Türkiye's Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant

YPP, a South Korean company specializing in electrical and power equipment, is set to supply turbine system measurement equipment to Türkiye's Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant. This achievement comes through the support of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) and the Korea Nuclear Association (KNA) in their bidding and regulatory information service. The ministry and the association are fostering small and medium-sized nuclear enterprises capable of independent exports, as well as joint overseas expansion between state-owned nuclear corporations and their suppliers.
According to KNA, YPP secured in January 2023 a contract to supply turbine system-related measurement equipment to Türkiye's Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant, a deal amounting to €4.6 million (approximately 6.6 billion won). Previously part of the “Team Korea” in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) export project, YPP supplied Electrical Control and Monitoring Systems (ECMS) to the BNPP Units 1-4. YPP has now successfully become an independent exporter by supplying turbine system-related measurement equipment to the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant project. The turbine system measurement equipment plays a crucial role in monitoring and measuring the operational state of turbine systems, providing essential information to operators.
Soon-hyung Lee, head of YPP, stated that the design phase of the turbine measurement equipment is complete, with the manufacturing stage underway. The company plans to deliver the equipment for the first and second units in early 2024, followed by the third and fourth units in 2025. Preparations are also being made for additional contracts in the Akkuyu and El Dabaa projects, he said. YPP, established in 1982, is a mid-sized enterprise specializing in electrical and power equipment with a workforce of about 150. The company is recognized for its robust technical capability in supplying equipment to nuclear power plants both domestically and internationally. Since 2008, YPP has been supplying ECMS to domestic nuclear power plants, and boasts a wealth of technical expertise in various aspects of nuclear power design, operation, construction, and maintenance.
YPP's successful independent export to a foreign nuclear power plant was significantly aided by its compliance with Türkiye's stringent nuclear safety regulations. The Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NDK) of Türkiye, which verifies and evaluates manufacturers of nuclear safety-related equipment and their technologies, acknowledged YPP's efforts in adhering to the technical and safety standards. In the course of making its first equipment delivery to Türkiye, YPP successfully navigated the technical regulatory requirements and safety regulation certification process with the support of KNA.
KNA supports MOTIE's policies from behind the scenes. It is the only organization in the country dedicated to fostering and promoting the export of nuclear power industries. Since its establishment in 2011, the association has been utilizing the Ministry's funds for building the nuclear industry's export base. Its activities include inviting key figures from target countries and long-term cooperative nations for nuclear power exports, organizing local exhibitions, business-tobusiness (B2B) meetings, and hosting nuclear seminars and forums. The association also operates “K-neiss,” a website providing comprehensive market information such as overseas bidding information.
Mincheol Lee, Vice Chairman of the Association, stated, “Thanks to the strong export promotion initiative of the Yoon Seok-yeol administration, this year's budget for the fund to strengthen the base for nuclear exports has doubled compared to last year.” He added, “We will do our utmost to enhance the independent export capabilities of small and medium-sized nuclear enterprises.”

Small Modular Reactor


KAERI Hosts the IAEA-organized Interregional Workshop on Emergency Preparedness and Response for SMRs

- The workshop aims to strengthen Emergency Preparedness and Response capabilities on
the Development and Deployment of Advanced Reactors -

The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), in cooperation with the Korea Nuclear Energy Cooperation Foundation (KONICOF), hosted the IAEA-organized Interregional Workshop on Emergency Preparedness and Response for Small Modular Reactors at the Ramada Hotel Daejeon on October 10-13, 2023.
This workshop brought together 25 IAEA member states and 47 experts on nuclear safety, regulation, and operation from both Korea and abroad. The event's objective was to discuss the latest IAEA developments in the area of Emergency Preparedness and Response for Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), focusing on their technology, application, and the role of nuclear power in climate change mitigation. The gathering also aimed to provide a suitable technical foundation for the IAEA's further development of EPR guidelines for SMRs and contribute to new guidance on source term definition and assessment.
Interest in nuclear energy is consistently growing across the globe. Many countries, both industrialized and developing, believe that nuclear power is the most reliable energy source capable of meeting their increasing energy demand for the future. They are confident that nuclear energy can be a safe and economic choice in the future, with a stable long-term supply, and without adverse environmental impacts.
Accordingly, many countries have begun to consider introducing a nuclear power program to their energy mix. Countries with advanced nuclear energy capabilities have become more active than ever in developing innovative nuclear energy systems, including both reactor and fuel cycle technologies, to amplify the role of nuclear energy in the future.
Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) have specific design, safety and siting features as well as applications that should be properly assessed to formulate and plan for adequate Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) arrangements, in particular the size of Emergency Planning Zones (EPZs). EPR is one of the elements in the development of national infrastructure for nuclear power, while EPZ is one of the specific regulatory aspects to enable SMR deployment in diverse siting niches. This should be based on the results of the research and the implementation of defense-in-depth in the design of SMRs, including small power, smaller source term, increased safety margin, enhanced engineered safety system, smaller and slower fission product release, and consequent reduced potential for radiation exposure to population in the vicinity of the plant. Considering the importance of EPR and EPZs, the workshop could not be held at a more opportune moment.
This workshop provided a platform to address technologies on important issues related to EPR for SMRs, and will allow the industry to strengthen partnerships and collaboration, which is the main purpose of the workshop.
Dr. Ki Yong Choi, Senior Vice President for Nuclear Safety and Base Technology Lab, stated, “The development of Small Modular Reactors and Micro-reactors (MR) is very actively underway globally as an alternative option for addressing climate change and energy crisis. This workshop would significantly contribute to strengthening capabilities for emergency preparedness and response on the development and deployment of advanced reactors, as well as for global nuclear safety.”
On October 13, the last day of the workshop, participants made a technical tour of advanced SMR development and EPR facilities of the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) and KAERI. The tour included a visit to the Radiological Accident Preparedness System in Korea (RAPS-K) and the SMART Control Room Simulator.

Fig 1. Dr. Ki-Yong Choi Declaring the Opening of the Workshop
Fig 2. Around 60 Experts from 27 Countries Participated in the Workshop

Nuclear Power Plants in Korea


Current Status of
Korea Nuclear Power Plants

  • 1
    Hanbit site(Yeonggwang)

    Hanbit site(Yeonggwang)

    6 Units in Operation

  • 2
    Hanul site(Uljin)

    Hanul site(Uljin)

    7 Units in Operation

    1 Unit under Construction

  • 3
    Wolsong site(Gyeongju)

    Wolsong site(Gyeongju)

    5 Units in Operation

    1 Unit Shutdown

  • 4
    Saeul site(Ulsan)

    Saeul site(Ulsan)

    2 Units in Operation

    2 Units under Construction

  • 5
    Kori site(Busan)

    Kori site(Busan)

    5 Units in Operation

    1 Unit Shutdown

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